Emily Piatt
Sorry I have been MIA.  Didn't feel well for a while and then spent the last month trying to catch up on my house while running the kids to all their activities. 

Just to catch everyone up... We celebrated my oldest sons 10th birthday this month.  This was his first "big boy" party with no decorations or themes.  Just all his friends over playing in the pool and riding the new electric scooter we got Chase for his birthday.

My husband and I celebrated our wedding anniversary.  We went to a nice dinner and he gave me an afternoon alone. lol.  I know that sounds odd but mama really needed a massage and pedi.  Who am I kidding, I would have been happy sitting in a parking lot in the car for a few houses if it meant I got some time to myself to think without my kids interrupting me ever chance they get.  I has a silver time capsule made with our name inscribed on it to put things in over the next year that we want someone to find years from now.  I also bought him a Japanese Maple Tree to plant in our yard.  One of his favorite trees. 

I know I lead a boring life at times.  I will be getting back to my projects and posting blogs you all actually want to read soon.  Will be TONS of product reviews in the future and beauty tips.  Stay tuned!
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