Emily Piatt
Sorry I have been MIA.  Didn't feel well for a while and then spent the last month trying to catch up on my house while running the kids to all their activities. 

Just to catch everyone up... We celebrated my oldest sons 10th birthday this month.  This was his first "big boy" party with no decorations or themes.  Just all his friends over playing in the pool and riding the new electric scooter we got Chase for his birthday.

My husband and I celebrated our wedding anniversary.  We went to a nice dinner and he gave me an afternoon alone. lol.  I know that sounds odd but mama really needed a massage and pedi.  Who am I kidding, I would have been happy sitting in a parking lot in the car for a few houses if it meant I got some time to myself to think without my kids interrupting me ever chance they get.  I has a silver time capsule made with our name inscribed on it to put things in over the next year that we want someone to find years from now.  I also bought him a Japanese Maple Tree to plant in our yard.  One of his favorite trees. 

I know I lead a boring life at times.  I will be getting back to my projects and posting blogs you all actually want to read soon.  Will be TONS of product reviews in the future and beauty tips.  Stay tuned!
Emily Piatt
Almost done with my side of our walk-in closet. My mom had bought me Joy Mangano hanger for Christmas and I love them.  I got lucky and found these cheap knock offs at Odd Lots for $8/20!

Aren't they cute!?  They had many colors to choose from.  I personally love leopard.  I had taken every single thing out of my closet and placed all the hanger in a stack.  I went shirt my shirt and made 5 piles.  A give away, clean (because some stuff was wrinkled from being smashed in the closet for so long!), throw away, fold, and hang.

I used an old box I had from an order to put the old hangers in.  You ever notice that no matter how had you try to keep hanger stacked up nice and neat that they always end up taking over the floor!

After putting all my nice dress shirts, dresses, and skirts in hanger I then put them in order.  I left about a foot of space at the end of my closet so that the dresses can hang all the way down without getting wrinkled.  I then hung all my clothes up from my skirts to my dresses. I organized my shirts from dress tanks to long sleeves and tried to keep like colors together.

Under the clothes I took the old changing table we had from when my daughter was little.  It was perfect for storing my purses and sheets.   I also had an old diaper hanger that I hooked on the side of the changing table to put things like gloves and scarfs in. 

And here it is!  Finally done with another section and couldn't be happier.

 Sorry for the bad picture.  There isn't much natural light in my closet. :(

Emily Piatt
This has got to be one of the things I hated most about my closet.  T-shirts! I don't think they are worthy of my hanging space but at the same time I can't stand to wear a wrinkled shirt.  I have tried it all.  Nothing seems to work as good as the way I have been storing them recently.  So before I can go into the next step I need to show you how to make my little shirt cards.

First of all you will need these things...

Poster boards!  Lots and lots of poster boards.  (I started out with white because they are much cheaper but ended up getting black because it looks sexy)
Tape (Started out using duck tape because it is very durable but ended up using clear because once again it is sexy)
Scissors (Using a straight edge makes it a lot easier)

Four simple items that most people already have on hand.  

Ok, first I cleared a space on my dining room table and then measured out the pieces of poster board.  I found that 5.5 inches by 7 inches is the perfect size.
   You will need 3 card cutouts for each of your shirts.  After cutting them out I found the best way to put them together was to simply lay 3 cards on the table and then use my ruler to make a one inch space between each card.  As you can see in the picture below I line the 7 inch long side up beside each other.  Then simple take a piece of tape around 6 inches long and tape them together!

  After I have all three cards taped together I flip it over and do the same on the other side.  Then I take a long piece of tape and cover each side and then the ends.  
You have a perfect little card to fold inside each shirt.  It holds them perfectly together.  Here are the pictures of the one I made with black poster board and clear tape.  Looks really nice.

I fold all t-shits, tanks, scarves, and jerseys like this and color coordinate them in bins.  It has never been easier to find things.  I find myself actually wearing all of my clothes! 


Emily Piatt
For all of you that know me, you know that I am kind of a freak about cleaning.  I am not a freak about everything being in it's place but I am a freak about things being clean.  I don't mean run a mop across the kitchen floor clean either. I am talking, on your hands and knees with bleach water and a toothbrush!  

About 7 months ago I got really sick and my clean house that was a little messy but clean went down hill.  Everything is out of place.  Everything is a huge mess!  I thought about all the women that are out there suffering with sever cystic endometriosis and how overwhelming it is to get your life back after being down for so long.  I have made it my mission to not only get through this hard time myself but to hopefully help someone else along the way.

First things first, laundry!  Dreaded laundry!  I have three children and a husband.  My husband and I both workout each morning, then work clothes, then after work clothes, and then night clothes.  My husband and I alone wear around 3000 outfits a year!  My two oldest boys are in school and they play sports, my daughter is getting ready to start cheer and gymnastics.  I have to get this completely under control before I lose my mind.  

One big issue with laundry is keeping it neat and organized.  We have all that problem when we find something on the closet floor and we know it isn't dirty but it is so wrinkled that we have to wash it again.  That adds up!  I don't even want to think about how many extra loads I do every year because something fell one the floor!  

Step one.    Clear it all out!  I took everything out of my closet and mopped the floor, cleaned the walls, and wiped off the shelves.  Might as well start fresh right?

Shew, I feel better already!  Now it is easier for my to really look at the space and see what I should put where.